Policies and Procedures

When OLOS Cooperative Society became an Incorporated Association (2004) the club adopted the model rules for associations provided in the 1981 Act. (See document Rules for OLOS Ski Club Incorporated Association No. A0046149G.). Successive committees have instituted additional rules and some are shown below.

Associations Incorporation Reform Act (2012)

The Associations Incorporation Reform Act (2012) replaced the 1981 Act on 26/12/2012. Paul Duggan advised that: OLOS’ current rules are not broken by the new Act and should not be fixed; in the event that there is any inconsistency between OLOS’ rules and the new legislation, the new legislation will prevail; and should OLOS change its rules in future, the 2012 Act would need to be considered further.

Additional OLOS policies and procedures

The policies and procedures contained in this document are instituted and implemented by the Committee of Management as per Rule 20.2c of the Rules, namely that ‘Subject to these Rules, the Act and the Regulations, (the Committee) has power to perform all such acts and things as appear to the committee to be essential for the proper management of the business and affairs of the Association’.  Some Rules are quoted in this document to give its contents context.

See below for rules and information about:

  • The Committee of Management
  • Work Parties
  • Member capital and club funds
  • Lodge rules
  • Membership
  • Applicants
  • Various other rules

About the Committee

Under the model Rules for an Incorporated Association under the Act (1981):

  • The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Committee of Management.
  • The committee –
    1. Shall control and manage the business and affairs of the Association; and
    2. May, subject to these Rules, the Act and the Regulations, exercise all such powers and functions as may be exercised by the Association other than those powers and functions that are required by these Rules to be exercised by general meetings of the members of the Association; and
    3. Subject to these Rules, the Act and the Regulations, has power to perform all such acts and things as appear to the committee to be essential for the proper management of the business and affairs of the Association.

Committee Meetings

  1. Meetings of the Committee
  • The committee must meet at least 3 times in each year at such place and such times as the committee may determine.
  1. Quorum for Committee meetings
  • Any 4 members of the committee constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a meeting of the committee.
  • The committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy on the committee.

Committee roles

The 2016 committee drafted a list of activities performed by each of the Committee roles.

Suggested Committee Agenda Items

(Committee 17/7/2006)

In addition to delivering committee reports, the following agenda items are recommended:

  1. Insurances (annually Q1). Review the club insurance policies and ensure that we are adequately covered and the premium is acceptable.
  2. Service providers (annually). Review the value, quality and effectiveness of service providers for cleaning, fire indicator panel and emergency lighting regulatory checks, utilities, supplies etc.
  3. Financials:
    1. Cash flow (6 monthly)
    2. Debtor management (every meeting). It is a condition of membership that members remain in good financial standing; membership is cancelled for sustained non-payment. The Secretary is responsible for chasing debtors and standard letters exist for these reminders.
    3. Budgeting (6 monthly)
  4. Building/improvement projects (annually Q4). Consider maintenance and improvement projects for Buller and Hotham. Establish subcommittees if necessary and present their recommendations for discussion and decision by the Committee. (2014 note. The 2025 Subcommittee report prioritised OLOS building and improvement projects. See 2014 AGM papers for report and Committee response.)
  5. Risk management. Identify and address any risks which threaten the smooth running of the club.
    1. The Mt Buller lease expires in 2019. (2016 note. The Committee has commenced the process to renew the lease, advising Lyndsey Jackman of Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management of our intention to renew, meeting with him and showing him through the lodge. The next step is to complete the New Lease Application Procedure (see booklet)).
    2. The Lawlers head lease expires in 2032. (2016 note. Lawlers Body Corporate completed a new 75 year head lease in late 2016, extending the lease to 2089.)

Suggested Committee Calendar of Events


Discuss and decide the booking procedure for the ski season

Decide when booking procedures are to be published and bookings are to open

Discuss Hotham commercial booking arrangements


Report progress against agreed committee agenda for the year


On mountain matters


Prepare for Annual General Meeting:

  • Discuss and decide Admission of applicants to club membership at the AGM
  • Discuss nominees for committee roles for coming year
  • Prepare of Annual Financial statements
  • Decision on proposal for AGM regarding annual subs and lodge fees for the following season
  • Post notice of AGM at least 21 days prior, set and circulate Agenda and financial statements

November (AGM generally 2nd or 3rd Thursday)


Set committee agenda (including Post AGM matters) for following year.

Discuss and agree Summer work party program, dates and costs.

Work Parties

  • Generally, there are two work parties (February, May) at the Buller lodge annually.
  • Members completing a full work party receive a $70 credit to their account.
  • Late arrival or early departure must be approved by the Building Officer if work is to be credited
  • Work parties are for members and applicants only. Children under 12 are not permitted.
  • Each work party involves 5-10 workers and general structure of the weekend is as below.


All workers arrive. Dinner is not provided. All remaining meals are provided by the lodge


7:30-8am Breakfast cooked

8am-8:30am Job Allocation and Safety Discussion Safety: nobody is to attempt anything they are uncomfortable with, and are to ask the Building Officer if they are unsure; under no circumstances are any electrical works to be completed; look out for each other over the weekend.

10:30-11am Morning Tea 

2-2.30pm Lunch 

6:30-7pm Dinner 


7:30-8am Breakfast cooked

8am-8:30am Job Allocation and Safety Discussion

10:30-11am Morning Tea 

2-2.30pm Lunch 

2:30pm-4pm Clean-up and depart

Annual works

  1. Clean and scrub deck and outdoor furniture so that 2 coats of oil can be applied. (MS note: This is completed once per year but as weather dependant I try to complete at the first work party)
  2. Paint and general touch-up of External windows/doors. (MS note: This is completed once per year but as weather dependant I try to complete at the first work party)
  3. Tool room stocktake as required.
  4. Pantry stocktake. Provisions Officer requires this information for restocking
  5. Lighting Audit and replacement of faulty globes
  6. Bleed air from upstairs heating units
  7. Replace the under sink water filter (Aqua Pure brand but I am unsure of the model number)
  8. Replace BBQ cover if required.
  9. Replace outdoor table and chair cover if required.
  10. Slash grass. This quite often a CFA requirement to quell bushfires
  11. Check roof structure for leaks. Over the years pieces of flashing have blown off.
  12. Audit toilets including:
    1. Check for leaks
    2. Check rubber seals for integrity
    3. Confirm operation of the exhaust fan
    4. Ensure that the lights are operational
    5. Confirm that the drain traps are clear. We have hydrochloric acid for drain clearance located in locker 100 if required. This stuff is a restricted and dangerous substance, due to the high concentration and requires the use of gloves and face shield. If unsure do not use
  13. Audit all rooms including:
    1. Confirm that Fire Exit plan is current
    2. Bleed the air from the heater and ensure the valve is 100% open
    3. Check for ceiling leaks
    4. Check lights operate
    5. Check window operation
    6. Check bunks for damage/integrity
    7. Check bedding is complete (mattress protector, two pillows and pillow protectors) and clean.
    8. Check carpet for stains. If required, organise steam cleaning.
  14. Clean all cups and glasses, and bar shelves.
  15. Kitchen stocktake as required to ensure all crockery and equipment is in good order.

Hotham maintenance

The onsite managers do or arrange most of the maintenance of the Lawlers unit.

In 2012 OLOS members and regular Lawlers users Rebecca and John Steward conducted a thorough audit of the unit and proposed 17 items for action. Building Management actioned 4 items and the committee approved $1500 expenditure on remaining items which John and Bec carried out.


Members’ capital and club funds


On transfer from the Cooperative Society to the Incorporated Association, members’ original share capital was repaid to them as a credit to their account.  (For the club to remain viable, that amount (approximately $35,000) could not be lost to the club. To avoid complex financial arrangement and large increases in future fees, the amount of Members’ share capital ($250 or $350 as applicable) was added to the member’s account.) $350 is to be maintained as an absolute minimum required balance until resignation or termination of membership, at which time the balance of the account will be refunded.

Member funds

‘That each member provides the club with a bond of $350 for the duration of their membership. This will be refundable upon resignation from the club as long as there are no outstanding debts to the club.’ Motion proposed by Sue Boyd and seconded by Graeme Sinclair. Approved by members at AGM 2003.

It has been the practice of the Committee to require members to maintain a credit balance and to actively manage debts over $200.

In the event of the winding up or cancellation of the incorporation of the association, all outstanding member debts would be satisfied from their funds and the balance of their bonds returned to members.

Retained funds

The Committee agreed (2014) that, in the event that OLOS was wound up, sale of the Lawlers apartment would provide sufficient funds to reimburse member bonds and that it is not necessary to hold these funds as cash.

The 2025 Subcommittee recommended that the Committee determine a sum as ‘a floor which should not be breached and that the remainder of club funds could be used for maintenance, renovations and other activities that will provide a positive result for the club’. The Committee agreed (15/9/2014) to set the floor at $50,000.

 Lodge Rules

These rules are for the benefit of all members and guests. Please read them thoroughly.

  1. The word of the Lodge Manager, when acting in that capacity, is law.
  2. Shoes must be changed when entering the lodge. Only dry, soft-soled shoes to be worn indoors.
  3. Certain bunkrooms may be ‘reserved’ for a fee when booking. The Lodge Manager will allocate bunkrooms, and members names will be shown on the bunk allocation board in the Ski Room.
  4. Pillow cases to be used on all pillows for hygiene. Otherwise pillows are not to be used.
  5. Duty list to be placed on the noticeboard on Friday night. Each person is to ascertain their duty as early as possible.
  6. Saturday and Sunday breakfast cooking duties finish at 8.45am. Latecomers must cook their own breakfast and wash their own dishes.
  7. People having lunch in the Lodge must provide their own food and wash and dry all lunch dishes.
  8. Food goods held in the club store are only to be used at the Lodge Manager’s discretion.
  9. Weekend tariff includes the cost of breakfast and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, biscuits, tea and coffee.
  10. Midweek, only cereals, tea, coffee, sugar, condiments and biscuits are to be used. All other food must be self-supplied.
  11. When meals are being prepared, please make tea and coffee in the bar.
  12. The lounge and dining room must be tidied on Saturday night, each person removing and cleaning their own glasses and cups.
  13. The Lodge is not open house. Obtain the Lodge Manager’s permission before inviting guests.
  14. Casual visitors or members not staying at the Lodge may have meals at the lodge, with the Lodge Manager’s prior permission provided extra food is available or supplied by them. The rates charged for casual guests staying or eating at the lodge are published annually.
  15. The Lodge Manager is to note casual guest details on the LM report so the relevant member account can be charged.
  16. Members must accompany their guests and children to the Lodge, acquaint them with house rules, explain their assigned duties and introduce them to others staying in the lodge. Your guests and children are welcome, but they are your guests and children, not ours.
  17. The door code is not to be shared with anyone not staying in the lodge.
  18. The stereo is to be kept to a reasonable level and switched off no later than 1.00am.
  19. At all times when leaving the lodge, ensure that the windows and external doors are closed.
  20. Bunkrooms are to be vacated and cleaned by 4pm.
  21. All other duties are to be completed by 4pm.
  22. The Lodge will be officially locked at 4pm on Sundays unless occupied for the midweek period.
  23. Licensed drinking hours are displayed at the bar and should be observed.
  24. No smoking. Approved by members at AGM 1998.
  25. Ski racks are allocated and allocations should be observed. Guest ski racks must be emptied at the end of your stay.
  26. The drying room is to be cleared at the end of your stay.
  27. Respect all club and personal property.
  28. Clean up after yourself (and children and guests).
  29. No responsibility is accepted for the loss of, or damage to, member or guest personal property at any time, by the Association.



Life Members


When the Co-operatives Act was updated, the long-standing category of Life Member became inapplicable.  One of the aims of migration to the Associations Act was to regain that category to recognise outstanding service by members. The nine members named as Life Members at this time were either previously Life Members or nominated and notionally approved at General Meetings during the period when this category was not available.

‘To create a category of Honorary Life Member, and to accept the following nine members into that category: John Bloom, Bill Bunting, Pat Bunting, Joe Cotter, David George, Martin Kelly, Betty Sonnet, Michael Sonnet, Dick Vallance.’ Motion proposed by Liz Fordyce, seconded by Stephen George and passed by members AGM 2004.

Nomination and admittance

Entry to this category will be by written nomination in the form of a Special Resolution at a General Meeting. See Rules.



In Cooperative Society days, OLOS Associate status was created for members who had resigned their membership and people considered ‘friends of the club’ of at least five years standing who could not join the club.

When OLOS Cooperative Society became an Incorporated Association the category of Associate Member was created. (2004 AGM proposed by David George, seconded by Harry Cockburn and passed by Special Resolution.)

Nomination and rights

The following entry conditions and rights were agreed (AGM 2005):

  • Entry must be sought in writing to the Committee. As a guide, 10 years prior full membership would be expected.
  • The Committee may offer, at its absolute discretion, entry to this category.
  • The following conditions and privileges apply to all Associates and it is particularly noted that rates and rights exist only for the individual Associate:
    • No guest sponsorship right exists.
    • One (1) ski period per season may be booked at Member’s rates.
    • If a work party has been completed, a second period may be booked at Member’s rates.
    • Subsequent periods may be booked at guest rates.
    • Associate subs are set annually.
    • Associates may compete in races on Race Weekend but are ineligible to qualify in official placings.



In addition to the Rules (see Rules 4.3-4.9), persons wishing to become applicants must:

  1. Attend a Board meeting to discuss the club concept and the expectations OLOS has of Applicants
  2. Demonstrate interest in the club by attending a reasonable number of meetings, social events, work parties and ski periods. The 2011 Committee agreed the following requirements:
    1. Attend one complete Management Committee meeting to get to know committee members, answer any questions and discuss the Club and membership prospects
    2. Complete one work party. During work parties, the Building Officer will give applicants (and interested others) a tour of the Lodge and explain security, boiler and gas fire functions. (Board meeting April 2016)
    3. Book and attend a ski period (weekend or mid-week)
    4. Attend one off mountain social function
    5. Attend one Annual General Meeting
  3. The 2011 Committee agreed the following approach to applications:
    1. We will be strict about who we accept.  We will reject unsuitable applicants.
    2. The Committee will revert to following Club rules when handling applications, namely:
      1. Applications will be discussed at a Committee meeting before being accepted.
      2. The VP will notify the prospective applicant of the outcome after the Committee discussion.

The Committee will consider the suitability of each applicant, in addition to their meeting application requirements, before deciding whether or not to offer membership.

  1. Applicant progress will be discussed by the Committee annually and any concerns will be discussed with the applicant. We will reject unsuitable applicants.
  2. Applicants can expect to wait 12 – 18 months before being offered membership. An offer of membership will usually be made just before the AGM.

Application fees

The Committee periodically reviews and adjusts application fees. The 2014 Committee (meeting 9/12/13) agreed to set discounted fees as follows to encourage younger applicants.

Age Application fee
18 $1800
19 $1900
20 $2000
21 $2100
22 $2200
23 $2300
24 $2400
25 $2500
>25 $2600

Various policies

Voting at General Meetings

  • Five (5) financial members constitute a quorum. (Rules, Associations Act 1981)
  • There is no proxy voting at general meetings. (Rules, Associations Act 1981)
  • Any vote involving members will be by secret ballot, (Committee decision 2005)

Club Race Weekend

Associates, applicants and guests may compete in the races on Race Weekend but are ineligible to qualify in official placings. (Board meeting 17 June 1982)

Member property

The Board must ratify any movement of members’ property and give adequate notice to members prior to reallocation of said property. (Board meeting 17/6/1982)

Use of premises

No profit making or commercial ventures are to operate from OLOS premises. (Committee 17/6/1982)


Under no circumstances are members or guests to share the Buller lodge entry code with anyone not staying at the Lodge.

The Buller lodge alarm can be controlled remotely. (2016 note. Michael Sonnet and Tim McCann have alarm system access.) The alarm is monitored by GE Security (2016).

Lockers and ski racks

  • Each member is entitled to use one ski rack and one of the key-operated lockers at OLOS for a $25 deposit, refundable upon return of the keys.
  • The Booking Officer allocates, on a temporary basis, any spare racks and lockers to members requesting a second rack or locker.
  • Each locker has two keys (which can be replaced for $20 per key if lost) and the lodge manager holds a master key.
  • Keys must be returned and locker emptied upon resignation from OLOS.

 Bookings and cancellations

Who can book? Booking limits.

  • Bookings can only be made by Members, Life Members, Associate Members and Applicants.
  • Each Member and Life Member can make bookings for themselves and for guests in accordance with the Club booking rules.
  • Applicants can only make bookings on their own behalf. They may not make bookings for guests.
  • Associate Members can make on winter booking per year at Member rates. All other bookings are at Guest rates.


  • Members will only be wait-listed if they request this when booking and pay for the booking.
  • Cancellation rules (see below) apply to wait-listed bookings.

Bunk reservation and allocation

  • Bunks may be reserved at an additional fee in rooms 9, 10 and 11 for any period except Race Weekend and Christmas in July.
  • Remaining bunks will be allocated at the Lodge Manager’s discretion.


  • Cancellation includes both confirmed and wait-listed bookings.
  • For a credit, bookings and wait-listings must be cancelled 2 weeks before the cancelled period.
  • Late cancellations will only be credited:
    1. where the Buller Resort has declared ‘No snow’ (The club adheres to the official Mount Buller no snow criteria. (Board meeting 21/10/1998), or
    2. at the Board’s discretion if an appeal is lodged within 7 days of the period.
  • Late cancellations may be made prior to the period to the Booking Officer in order to allow others to take up bookings. A credit will be given if the booking is taken up by another member.


Payment is only accepted from Members and must accompany your booking unless your account has sufficient credit to cover it.

Minimum booking

We require a minimum booking of 5 people or the equivalent in lodge fees to open the Buller Lodge.


During ski season:

  • weekends (Friday and Saturday nights) are indivisible and cannot be booked on a pro rata basis.
  • $309 for professional cleaning is automatically added to Hotham booking fees.


OLOS is affiliated with a number of organisations.

Mt Buller Mt Stirling Resort Management 5777 7221
Mt Buller Club Lodges www.mtbullerlodges.com.au
John Bailey Strata Management (Lawlers) strata@johnbailey.com.au
Mt Buller Ratepayers Association OLOS ceased membership years ago (early 2000s?). There may be value in rejoining as we seek a new lease.